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Showing posts with the label Health Insurance

Thailand Health Insurance

Thailand Health Insurance Including a FREE Contact for you to Use   After months of searching around for the best Health insurance package, I settled on Pacific Cross based in Bangkok Thailand. One of the most important factors for me was having English-speaking experts who guided me through the minefield of health insurance. after 4 years I am still with them and cannot fault the service. Having a card in your pocket that gets you emergency treatment, help when you need it and a large network of 5-star hospitals that you can just walk into and get treated for anything, best of all you and the second factor I wanted is that you can just hand over your card and the bills will be taken care of by Pacific Cross. To help you whether you pick Pacific Cross or just want free impartial advice I have a direct email setup all you have to do is send an email to Jamie Connell via the email link and he will come back to you with the option to speak to him by phone or through email, this is a ...